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Planning Board Minutes 10/21/04


Minutes of the October 21, 2004 meetings

Members present:
Spencer Garrett         Mike Oldershaw          Ed Rowehl
Members absent:
Fred Anderson                   Bob Bethel                      Scott Burnside
Bob Edwards                     Dan Valley
Public attendees:
       Renee Rabideau          Kenneth Grant

Chairman Rowehl opened the meeting at 7:05 PM. He designated Mr. Vasques to sit for Mr. Bethel. He then introduced the board members and announced the public hearing on the request by Michael & Cynthia Ann Kettle for a Minor Subdivision. The applicant proposes to subdivide property at 31 High Street, Tax Map 1A, Lot 33 in the Residential District into two (2) lots. He asked Ms. Rabideau who was representing the Kettles to present her proposal.

Ms. Rabideau explained that Lot 33 actually consisted of tracts #1 and #2, essentially, two separate lots, even though the property had been taxed as one parcel. Consequently, tract #1 has been assigned a new lot number (230) on map 1A and was not considered a part of the subdivision. The secretary noted that he had reviewed the application with town council and was advised that this approach was acceptable. Tract #2 was to be divided into two lots, 1A-33 and 1A-33-1. The secretary asked if the location of the house on the plat was drawn accurately and to scale and Ms. Rabideau said that it was. The house on lot 33 is within the sideline set back on the northeast property line. The consensus of the board was that this is a pre-existing non-conforming condition and does not adversely affect the subdivision consideration. The existing driveway for lot 33 is shown to also cross onto lot 230 and the question was raised as to whether or not this should be considered a shared driveway. The conclusion was that whether or not the driveway was to be shared would be determined upon the sale and development of lot 230 and was not a concern of the board regarding the subdivision request.

Mr. Rowehl called for comments from abutters. Mr. Grant said he had no objection to the proposal and was curious as to the details. He reviewed the plat with the board and Ms. Rabideau and was satisfied with the proposed subdivision. No abutters spoke in opposition to the application. Mr. Vasques moved for a roll call vote to accept the application of Cynthia & Michael Kettle File # 2004-21PB for a minor subdivision of property located at 31 High Street, Antrim, NH, Tax Map 1A Lot 33 located in the Residential District. The applicant proposes to subdivide the property into two lots.
Mr. Garrett seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Mr. Garrett – aye, Mr. Oldershaw – aye, Mr. Vasques – aye, Mr. Rowehl Aye. The motion passed.

The board then reviewed the checklist for the application. Waivers were requested for the following requirements of the subdivision regulations:

B.3.a (11) Granted
B.3.a (17) Granted
B.3.a (18) Granted
B.3.a (19) Granted
B.3.b (4)   Granted

There being no further deliberation, Mr. Garrett moved to approve the application of Cynthia & Michael Kettle File # 2004-21PB for a minor subdivision of property located at 31 High Street, Antrim, NH, Tax Map 1A Lot 33 located in the Residential District. The applicant proposes to subdivide the property into two lots. The following conditions apply to the approval.

Planning Board requirements, commitments and agreements made by the applicant and/or his agent as recorded in the meeting minutes dated October 21, 2004 as they pertain to this application are a conditional part of this approval.
The applicant is to obtain a building permit for any construction or alteration and adhere to all building, health and fire codes.

Mr. Oldershaw seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Mr. Garrett – aye, Mr. Oldershaw – aye, Mr. Vasques – aye, Mr. Rowehl Aye. The motion passed.

Mr. Oldershaw moved that the minutes of the October 7, 2004 meeting be approved as corrected subject to the approval of a fourth member who was in attendance the night of October 7th. Mr. Garrett seconded the motion, which passed.

The members reviewed the application of Smith B. & Lois M. Harriman for a minor subdivision. The consensus was that the documentation submitted was adequate and a public hearing could be held on November 4, 2004.

The members then considered a request by Mr. Peter Mellen to continue the public hearing on the original application by Mr. Knapton for a major subdivision. Mr. Mellen said that that Mr. Knapton would pursue the original application with some minor changes. The board concurred that the public hearing could take place on November 4, 2004; however, the secretary was instructed to ask Mr. Mellen if he could provide documentation regarding the changes to the board for their review prior to the public hearing.

The board then reviewed the application of Matt Zsofka for a minor subdivision. A public hearing was tentatively scheduled for November 18, 2004 provided that Mr. Zsofka obtains a special exception from the zoning board to disturb land within 25 feet of a wetland for the construction of driveways.

Mr. Doughty, the surveyor for Mr. Schnare, requested a design review for a major subdivision to be held on November 18, 2004. The board agreed to the request provided that the application and supporting documentation was filed with the secretary no later than November 1st.

The board then considered a request from Ms. Rochford, the surveyor for Mr. & Mrs. Lauber to hold a public hearing for a minor subdivision on November 18, 2004. The board agreed to do so if the application and documentation were on file with the secretary no later than November 1st.

Members were advised that Mr. Ted Olsen would be applying for a minor subdivision pending approval for a wetland permit to construct access ways. The board reviewed the application and supporting documents submitted to DES and decided no further action was necessary until an application for subdivision is filed.

A revised capital improvement plan for the library was reviewed and approved by the members for submittal to the selectmen. The Parks and Recreation department has not responded to request for their capital improvement needs. Mr. Oldershaw will notify the selectmen of this lack of cooperation.

The following correspondence was presented: Code violation for Mr. Skrable, last call to register for the Fall Planning and Zoning Conference and a newspaper article regard Hillsborough plans for a growth management ordinance.

No reports were given on the status of excavation sites, the Growth Committee or any changes in ordinances or regulations.

A brief discussion followed regarding a new meeting procedure whereby meetings will still start at 7:00 PM; however, public hearings will not be conducted prior to 7:30 PM. This should give the members an opportunity to review new material submitted before going into public sessions.

Mr. Garrett moved that the meeting be adjourned. Mr. Oldershaw seconded the motion, which passed. Mr. Rowehl adjourned the meeting at 9:15 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Paul L. Vasques, Secretary
Antrim Planning Board